The Ultimate Evil

A Child Abuse Awareness Blog

BACA And Ted Nugent

Just a couple of videos shared by one of the members of BACA/BACA Nation. I wanted to share them with anyone with questions on where exactly I stand on how to deal with child abusers and the rulings that say we must show them compassion.

Chief is the founder of BACA: Bikers Against Child Abuse. He’s a hero and as real as you’re going to get about the cold hard facts in how we have to fight child rapists.

I’ve never been that much of a fan of Ted Nugent – I like a lot of his music but I think he’s a little kill crazy when it comes to hunting, although I am not anti-hunter. However, there is a lot of respect here for what he says about dealing with violent criminals, particularly child molesters. Only a violent criminal and/or pedophile would object with this intelligent response. Oh, or bleeding heart pedophile sympathizer (aka “still in the closet”).

July 22, 2009 Posted by | Child Advocates | 5 Comments

So You Want To Know About Chan – The Pedophile’s Playground

I’ve been receiving quite a few hits from people searching for child porn on chan, so this is my little expose dedication to them.

Many people have no clue what chan sites are. Well, “chan” by definition is nothing more than internet speak. However, there are certain sites that use the term in their names and are preceded by numbers such as 4, 7, and 12. i.e. 4chan, 7chan, and 12chan.

The short of it is, these sites are made up primarily of a bunch of horny losers seeking their release with children and young teens, and of kids who have no life offline and are easily manipulable by online predators. Predators (who are sometimes even teens, themselves) have groomed these kids into believing it’s all just a big joke. They’re not serious. This lie keeps these children there posting intimate thoughts and details about their lives.

Unsuspecting teens post images of their young siblings doing various things – at games, playing in the yard, naked in the tub, swimming. They speak of their birthdays, parents’ names, locations, what they like and don’t like in life… Everything a sexual predator is looking for to hunt down their target in real life.

Predators give children on these sites what they aren’t receiving at home: compassion, understanding, support, a friendly ear without ridicule or punishment. I will repeat for as long as I need to: If you don’t talk to your child, someone else will!

When I was a kid, if we didn’t get these things at home, we got them at school from the councilor or from friends our own age in our neighborhood. Tangible people we saw and spoke with in the real world. Sure, there were the peers who got troubled teens to do drugs, drink, steal, join gangs, etc.. but they weren’t as common place as the other side of it, and most kids back then were raised with a sense of morals and self-respect.

No kid I knew of would ever in a million years post their personal information all over town for the world to see, much less photos of themselves nude or halfway there. There were sexual predators looking for kids to molest and rape, but kids didn’t hand themselves over on silver platters back then, and if a kid was approached by a stranger in a car or on the street or anywhere, we screamed and ran like hell away from them.

All this has changed with the dawn of internet sites like MySpace, Facebook, LiveJournal, and yes, chan. There are now plenty of public service announcements explaining to kids what is really going on at the other end of that circuit, and that’s a good thing. The problem is that online predators have their claws dug in so deeply with kids on chan sites and the like, that those kids believe everything they are told, including that adults are lying, exaggerating, that the pedophile problem isn’t as bad as they say, that there is no such thing as an online predator because it was all made up by the FBI to control people on the net.

Predators are creating young conspiracy theorists who are terrified of the government so that these kids are too afraid to alert the FBI when they find things they know aren’t right. I’ve seen comments by suspected pedophiles saying that if they alert the FBI, cops will raid the houses of every member of that particular forum and go through their computers to tell their parents what they’ve been doing and arrest them for terrorism or some other crime they know will hook the child’s fear. It’s the equivalent to a child molester telling their victim, “If you tell, they will be angry with you and you’ll be punished.”

Yes, they really are this devious and this complex. There are people in this war against pedophiles and online pedophiles who simply don’t understand that. They think ranting and raving, trolling their pages, and openly accusing them – without proof – will make them shake in their proverbial boots and go away. Well, it doesn’t work that way. It’s not that simple. They are organized, well equipped with the latest internet security and tech cloaking/scrambling equipment, and they are untouchable by anyone without a badge. Yes, including me.

What I do on this site is expose as much of their techniques as possible to make people aware of how they go about stalking our children and acquiring your trust and their target. This is an awareness site aimed at preventing as many casualties of their assaults as possible. I do not, nor have ever, deemed myself important enough to take down organized rings on pedophiles.

Sure, I was very much in the volcanic pit making changes on the Pagan site, removing sexual predators from it and elsewhere. I do not for a minute claim to have ended that ring of predators working within that site and among the Ning platforms. They are still there seeking new targets, though this time the FBI is monitoring their every move.

One of my colleagues at the time discovered a child porn/rape site hosted on Ning and I helped her report it and have it not only destroyed but every member put on a watchlist. Reporting sites and people like that will always lead to saving abused children, and that is why it is very important for everyone to come forward when seeing it.

Yes, we CAN and DO make a difference – even taking a large bite out of the predator/pedophile online industry. But as long as we have sites like chan, where people can freely post child porn, joke about child rape, share information on how and where to obtain targets, and have access to our children who have been manipulated into believing they are exactly what they say they are, the sexual abuse of our children will not end. Especially when we have a society that doesn’t want to believe what they hear, doesn’t want to see the images of child rape that will expose just what we are fighting, would rather bury their heads in the sand so they don’t hear the children screaming and begging for help.

This is something I found about 12chan, one of the more outspoken child porn trade chan sites. It’s from about a year ago, but considering how old these chan sites are and how well established child abusers are on the net, you can believe this is as pertinent now as it was then. The site, by the way, that the linked article speaks of is 12chan – verified by the 12chan users on the following screen captured forum:

Philip Thompson (Pic: Cleveland Police)

Thompson had 241,000 indecent images of children

A man police said was the “librarian” of a global internet child abuse ring has been jailed indefinitely.

Philip Anthony Thompson, of Stockton-on-Tees, will serve at least three years and nine months, but a Teesside judge warned it could be much longer.

Thompson, 27, admitted 27 charges, including causing children aged under 13 to engage in sexual activity.

The website he was involved with used “borderline-legal” images to bring together “like-minded” people.

Police have so far pinpointed 360 suspects.

Handing down sentence at Teesside Crown Court, Judge Michael Taylor said Thompson posed a “very significant risk” to the public and therefore he would be imposing an indeterminate prison sentence for public protection.

He told him: “You have shown that you are a very dangerous individual indeed. I consider that you pose a very significant risk to the public and you are a dangerous offender.”

Thompson, who lives with his mother in Gooseport Road, has also been placed on the sex offenders’ register for life and banned from the internet and any contact with children.

About 241,000 child abuse images – which were still and moving images of varying degrees of extremity – were discovered in his possession.

Police said more than 130 suspects had been uncovered in the UK and more than 50 arrests have been made.

As a result, 15 children in the UK have been removed from situations where they were being abused or were accessible to an offender.

Police revealed the network was first infiltrated by Metropolitan Police officers, working undercover, in May 2007

It became the largest investigation of its kind in the UK, also involving Cleveland Police and the Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre (CEOP).

Users of the forum would post borderline-legal images of children and pass comments on them.

Police said “indicative images” rather than explicit child sex abuse images were posted online in an attempt to keep the site “below the radar” and prevent it being shut down.

According to CEOP, which co-ordinates covert investigations into internet child sexual abuse, users would make contact this way then meet other like-minded individuals and exchange images in “different online environments”.

Its chief executive Jim Gamble said: “This website – whilst appearing to operate on the margins of legality – was clearly a front for the sinister, sexual abuse of children and an image trading ground for paedophiles.”

Det Chief Supt Mark Braithwaite, from Cleveland Police, said Thompson had been “a critical piece of this network”.

“He was the librarian/warehouseman for a myriad of images that were distributed to like-minded individuals both in this country and elsewhere.”

Take a look at the comments posted in this short forum about this incident. They find nothing wrong with joking about child rape and fantasizing about child rape using drawings, but they find everything wrong with anyone trying to stop it: (click for larger view)

(Online resource for Autism and Aspergers – They are everywhere and people think we’re making this stuff up.)

Yes, apparently making child porn illegal is “fascist.” The mind of the pedophile and pedophile sympathizer – the brazen degeneracy will never cease to amaze me.

Yes, the Netherlands is known for looking the other way in child rape cases, and I see it’s the anti-American who points this fact out as well as other anti-American slogans. See how he’s, also, a “9/11 truther.” Remember what I said about guiding children to be afraid of the government. I’ll bet that’s an angle the right wingers never thought to consider. As I said, they are everywhere controlling everything for their one soul purpose in life: assaulting children. They will stop at nothing, including tearing down our country.

As for the doubts this pertained to chan or the suggestions nothing really bad is happening, I have seen what happens on these #chan sites.

The images they claim are just cartoons are fantasy scenarios of child rape. In America, it is “freedom of speech” to make drawings of rape, including child rape, so they use images of child rape to express their preferences without actually coming out and saying it or posting illegal photos or videos of child rape. This is, also, where pedobear comes in. He is the pedophile/child rapist in these scenarios. Since law enforcement can’t very well arrest someone for drawing a photo of a teddy bear in a child’s bed, regardless of the pornographic dialogue scrawled within, this is the predator’s way of expressing what they like to do to children, situations they like to instigate their abuse.

Several drawings I’ve seen show pedobear in the bathroom beside the tub of the frightened child. Others show pedobear hiding in a closet in the child’s room watching them get undressed. Others have pedobear climbing into bed with the child who is either asleep or has a terrified look on their face. All images result in jokes about how the victim is about to be raped, and the comments are very graphic. The descriptions in these comments are so explicitly detailed, even explaining how good it feels to break the hymen in little girls and hear a boy scream at his first anal penetration, that there is absolutely no doubt these people have raped children before, and clearly don’t intend to stop.

So afraid are they of having their secret sites and lives revealed that they have managed to brainwash the children who still post there into harassing anyone trying to expose the site or shut it down, including law enforcement. They hide behind the very children they fantasize about raping. It’s like when adults get minors to commit crimes for them.

I’ve had survivor groups infiltrated by pedophiles looking for stories to get off on. I’ve had channers try to ruin me and take me offline, embarrass me by posting about me on Encyclopedia Dramatica (another pedophile haven used to covertly expose anti-pedophiles to the pedophile networks). All in all, it’s been an honor to be so feared.

A lot of people out there are afraid to butt heads with pedophile rings on the net because of their ruthless attacks. Well, I’m here to say that I’ve been there, done that, and have the award for being such a threat to their internet world they would fall all over themselves to shut me up. Thanks for the honor!

***Stay tuned – several of us are currently working on a very real award bestowed upon those of us in this fight who are attacked by pedophiles and their ilk. I may have people vote on the design in the near future! ***

July 22, 2009 Posted by | Child Pornography, Grooming Techniques, Pedophile Defenders, Pedophiles Exposed, Pedophilia Symbols | 8 Comments

Sexting/Texting/Instant Messaging Codes


I have found this article copied and pasted on other sites around the net that have not taken the proper precautions in delivering awareness. I compiled this list from various reliable sources with an informative disclaimer that adults also use these codes when speaking with other adults, all consenting.

While this article serves to educate the public on texting codes and symbols for their own benefit, especially parents seeking to protect their children from predators and dangerous peers, using it out of context damages the reputation of child abuse awareness volunteers.

While I would appreciate credit for this article should you choose to use it, the most important thing is that it is not used as a scare tactic by fanatics who see a boogie man behind every corner.

If you see this article on a site that doesn’t appear to handle awareness professionally or with a degree of experience, note that I more than likely have no idea it was copied and I did not consent to its use.  I do NOT endorse any site other than those I have posted in my “Support” tab or explicitly name in articles I have written.


I’ve been coming across messages and searches of my site for “Sexting codes” and “what do text symbols mean?”. I’d like to now accommodate parents, teachers, guardians, and even kids who are approached by symbols they don’t know with some of the more popular codes and more dangerous ones to look out for.

Below are the codes I feel are the most important to know for safety, the ones in red are warning signs of sexual behavior/predator involvement.

For a more comprehensive look, please see Webopedia , Netlingo, Advanced Codes list, Text messaging and E-mail shorthand, and Business text messaging shorthand.

*Please note that some of the codes on the sites listed refer to gaming platforms.

^5 = High Five
121 = One to one
143 = I love you
182 = I hate you
2moro = Tomorrow
2nite = Tonight

411 = Information
420 = Marijuana
459 = I love you
4NR = Foreigner
4Q = Fuck you
8 = oral sex

86 = Get rid of
9 = Parent is watching
99 = Parent is no longer watching

A3 = Anyplace, anytime anywhere
AAF = As A Friend
ACORN = A Completely Obsessive Really Nutty Person
ADR = Address
AEAP = As Early As Possible
AFAP = As Far As Possible

AIGHT = Allright
AITR = Adult In The Room
AMAP = As Much As Possible

AML = All My Love

AMRMTYFTS = All my roommates thank you for the show
A/S/L – age, sex, location

B4N = Bye for now
banana = Penis
BF = Boyfriend

BFF = Best friend forever
BITCH = Basically in the clear homey
BJ = Blow job
BOB = Battery Operated Boyfriend

BZ = Busy
BRB = Be right back
BTW = Back to work

CICYHW = Can I copy your homework
CM = Call me
C-P = Sleepy
C/S = Change subject
COS = Change of subject
CBJ = Covered blow job
CD9 = Code 9, parents are around

CRB = Come right back
CRBT = Crying really big tears
CT = Can’t talk
CTC = Care to chat?
CU = See you
CUL8R = See you later
CUNS = See you in school
CUOL = See you online
CYE = Check your e-mail
CYO = See you online
CYT = See you tomorrow

DF = Dear friend
DGA = Don’t go anywhere
DH = Dear husband
DW = Dear wife

DIKU = Do I know you?

DL = Down Low (texts) Download (in context of attachments)

DLTM = Don’t lie to me
DNBL8 = Do not be late

DOC = Drug of choice
DOE = Depends on experience

DP = Domestic partner

DUM = Do you masturbate?

DURS = Damn you are sexy

DUSL = Do you scream loud?

DWB = Don’t write back

DWPKOTL = Deep wet passionate kiss on the lips

DYHAB = Do you have a boyfriend
DYHAG = Do you have a girlfriend

EMA = E-mail address
EML = E-mail me later
EMSG = E-mail message

F2F = Face to face
FAB = Features Attributes Benefits

FB = Fuck buddy
FILF = Father I’d like to fuck
FMLTWIA = Fuck me like the whore I am
FMUTA = Fuck me up the ass
FOAF = Friend of a friend
FTF = Face to face
FWB = Friends with benefits

FYF = From your friend

GTG = Got to go
G2G = Got to go
GAP = Got a pic? (pic = picture)
GBH = Great Big Hug
GF = Girlfriend
GLBT = Gay Lesbian Bisexual Transgender

GLG = Good looking girl

GLB = Good looking boy

GNOC = Get naked on cam

GOS = Gay or straight

GUD = Geographically undesirable

GYPO – get your pants off

H&K = Hugs and kisses
H4Y = Hot for you
HBIB = Hot but inappropriate boy

I&I = Intercourse and Inebriation
IBTC = Itty bitty titty committee
IDK = I don’t know
IF/IB = In the front or in the back
IIT = Is it tight?
ILF/MD = I love female/male dominance
ILU = I love you
ILY = I love you
IRL = In real life
IWSN – i want sex now

ITS – intense text sex

IWALU = I will always love you

J/O = Jacking off

KFU = kisses for you
KFY = Kiss for you

K4Y = Kiss for you

kitty = Vagina
KK = Kiss kiss

KOTC = Kiss on the cheek

KOTL = Kiss on the lips
KPC – keep parents clueless

KWSTA = Kiss with serious tongue action

L8R = Later
LB? = Like bondage?
LDR = Long distance relationship
LF = Let’s fuck (pedophile lingo would be Little Friend)
LHOS – Let’s have online sex

LHSO = Let’s have sex online

LKITR = Little kid in the room

LOL = Laugh out loud/lots of laughs/lots of love
LMAO = Laugh my ass off
LMFAO = Laugh my f*cking ass off
LMIRL – Let’s meet in real life
LTTIC = Look the teacher is coming

LUSM = Love you so much

LY = Love you
LY4E = Love you forever
LYWAMH = Love you with all my heart

MA = Mature audience
MILF = Mother I’d like to fuck
MIRL = Meet in real life
MorF = Male or Female
MOOS = Member of opposite sex

MOSS = Member of same sex

MOS = Mom over shoulder

MPFB = My personal fuck buddy

MSNUW = Mini-skirt no underwear

MTLA = My true love always

MUAH or MWAH = *it’s the sound of a kiss*

MUSM = Miss you so much

NP = Nosy parents
N/T = No text
NIFOC = Nude in front of computer

NRN = No reply necessary

OLL = Online love
OMG = Oh my god
OMFG = Oh my fucking god

P = Partner
P&C = Private and confidential
POS = Parents over shoulder

PIR = Parents in room

P911 = Parent alert

PA = Parent alert

PAW = Parents are watching

PAL = Parents are listening

PBB = Parent behind back

PHAT = Pretty hot and tempting
PLOS = Parent looking over shoulder

POM = Parent over my shoulder

PRON = Porn

pr0n = Porn (with a number 0 for O)

PRW = Parents are watching

QT = Cutie Q2C = Quick to cum

RL = Real life
RLF = Real life friend
RNN = Reply not necessary
ROFL = Roll on floor laughing
ROTFL = Roll on the floor laughing
ROFLMAO = Roll on floor laughing my ass off
RPG = Role playing games
RU? = Are you?
RU/18 = Are you over 18?

STFU = Shut the fuck up

TTYL = Talk to you later
TTFN = Tata for now
TAW = Teachers are watching
TDTM = Talk dirty to me
TM = Trust Me
TMI = Too much information
TT = Big tease
TYVM = Thank you very much

U = You
U UP? = Are you up?
UR = You are or Your

WTF = What the fuck
WYFM = Will you fuck me?
WYRN = What’s your real name

WYCM = Will you call me

XOX = Kiss Hug Kiss
XTC = Ecstacy

Y = Yes or Why?
YDKM = You don’t know me
YIWGP = Yes, I will go private

YW = You’re welcome


Please keep in mind that the circumstances and parties involved MUST be considered when determining the meaning of these and other symbols and phrases. These are just the dangerous side of terms and phrases that pertain to warning signs of a child or teen speaking with a predator or even a peer out to do them harm.

I have compiled this “Most important” list and following explanations with only the dangerous point of view in mind. None of this, of course, would apply to consenting adults or two high school friends having a normal teenage conversation about the movies or the mall.

“Age Sex Location” translates to: “I want to know if you fit my age of attraction, if you are the gender I want, and where you live so I can find you” when texted by a predator. It’s okay to tell the age and if you’re a female or male – this establishes evidence if a predator later claims not to know he/she was talking to a minor. But it is NO ONE’S business where you live. If you want to state the country, that’s fine, but not even naming a state is okay.

“Change subject/No text/No reply necessary” can be used to signal the other person that they are being watched.

“Come right back” or terms like “What took you so long?” or anything that makes the child feel rushed or obligated to respond is a warning sign of control, either by a predator or a peer. They should know they are under NO obligation to text/IM/E-mail anyone at any time, unless it is their parents. Anyone who makes them feel they have to report in should be left alone and exposed to parents or teachers immediately. This is a very unhealthy, controlling relationship. Even if it’s just a friend.

“Dear Friend” is not acceptable for an adult to tell a child. “Dear Wife/Husband” when said by a teen is a warning sign of a relationship that has gotten way out of hand, particularly if it is with an adult.

“DL” Down low means keep it secret/private. Downloading is a dangerous thing to do with people someone doesn’t know or trust. Kids should always know the risks involved in downloading something from another person, particularly someone they only know online. These can contain viruses, Trojans, worms, or even unsolicited pornography. Any of this activity can be brought the attention of law enforcement, particularly if anyone sends your child or teen a nude photograph – wanted or not, which can be considered a felony (depending upon the circumstances and evidence, plea bargaining etc…) when it is from an adult to a minor. (See Sexting for more of my thoughts on teen – to – teen behavior.)

“Do you masturbate/scream loud?” and any other personal questions regarding sex are no one’s business! Teens should understand that no one has the right to inquire such things, and if they do, they are to be ignored immediately and reported to a parent, teacher, and ultimately the police, whether the sender is known or not. Such questions are geared toward having a sexual relationship, and should be viewed as a serious threat.

“Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?” when asked by a stranger online is intrusive and should be ignored. “I’m sorry but that’s really none of your business,” would be the appropriate response. A teen may think it’s innocent curiosity, but they do not know who is asking that question. It is highly inappropriate for an adult to inquire that of a minor who they do not know, and if this is an online personality, there is no way the teen knows if this is an adult or an adult pretending to be a teen. The reason for an adult to ask this of a minor is because that adult wants to be that minor’s bf/gf. Even if the teen says yes, this will not dissuade the adult predator, only let him/her know the teen may be sexually active and they need only find a way to come between her/him and the real life bf/gf.

“Friend of a friend” translates to: I Am A Stranger!

“Friends with benefits,” “Fuck buddy,” and similar are exactly what they sound like.

“Face to face” means the person wants to meet offline.

“Got a pic” – kids/teens should NEVER share their photos with anyone they don’t know. They can never get them back and they never know who is doing the asking or for what purpose.

“In front” or “In back” refer to sexual positions.

“Is it tight” refers to a girl’s vagina/virginity.

“I love you” is never okay for a stranger to tell a teen/child, or vice versa.

“Parent/Mom/Teacher/Kid in room” is a sure sign there is something that NEEDS to be monitored. Adults have to remember THEY pay the bills and the child is THEIR responsibility. By “respecting a child’s privacy,” you are hanging a sign around your child’s neck saying, “Do what you want – I will completely ignore your sexual advances and illegal behavior that will ruin my child’s life forever.”

“Private” means that no one else can see the conversation, like if they were in a chat room. If it’s in an IM that is being monitored, this could also refer to private e-mails that no one else can read.

“Real life” refers to offline life, so if someone wants to meet IRL (in real life), they want to take their relationship from cyberspace into the real world for physical contact.

“Role playing games” on the internet more often than not involve online sex, and are highly addictive and emotional since the characters get to act out their deepest fantasies. RPG’s almost always result in offline meetings when kids or teens are involved. It’s a grooming tactic, a way for predators to help their victim become comfortable with sex. Please don’t confuse this with real games out there that involve taking over castles or defeating enemy armies. Use your judgment when you see you child engaged in a RPG, but remember that games which allow interaction with other gamers are just as dangerous if not more than chatting with strangers. Gamers become close friends online, and this is a way for a predator to form a tight bond with the target.

“What’s your real name?” and other questions asking address, private contact information, phone number etc.. are red light questions that someone is trying to get personal information to use in a way neither you nor your child will want.

“XTC” is a drug.

“XOX” is as we all know the symbols for kisses (x) and hugs (o); however, this has no place in the conversation between an adult and a minor.

“Take off your clothes,” and “Get naked on cam” etc… Sexually explicit dialogue is NEVER okay, not even teen-to-teen, and should be ignored immediately and reported to parents, teachers, and most importantly, police. What happens on text always has the potential of happening in real life, especially if the person is known to the teen. If the person is a predator, this could lead up to abduction and rape.

Code can be and is often used in sentences, as well:
“W4nt 2 go 2 the m411 t0d4y?” translates to: “Want to go to the mall today?”

To some, this list and the translations may seem reaching or even as the old adage goes: Seek and ye shall find, meaning if you’re looking for something bad, you’ll see it even if it’s not there. This, simply, is not the case here. These codes and their meanings are quite popular and no secret at all. I, myself, have used some of these codes in adult conversations. Those of us who use them know quite well what we mean when we say them, and we know minors have no business using them and no adult has any right using them with a minor.

If anyone has any to add, please do so in the comment section and I’ll update this post in the future. Any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to ask – as always, comments are held private until I approve them and can be kept private if the commenter asks me to do so.

…Before I end this, just to lighten the mood a little bit – and because I find this fascinating: Ever wonder what RSVP actually stands for? Well, here ya go! Répondez S’il Vous Plaît

July 20, 2009 Posted by | Dangerous Trends, Internet Safety, Sexting | 11 Comments

Internet Safety You Can Share With Your Kids

It would appear Yahoo! is finally taking online safety seriously.

I was notified that if I have a Yahoo! 360 page, this would no longer be available as Yahoo! is shutting down the 360 blogging/socializing platform. I had one in the past under a personal account, and I left because of the enormous amount of cyber-bullying, stalking, sexual predators, and the Yahoo! 360 team’s refusal to help victims of these crimes or ban those perpetrating the offenses.

It seems now that not only has Yahoo! stepped up to the plate in taking responsibility for the activity on its membership platforms, but it is also offering an extensive amount of help and resource material for parents, children, and teens.

Below are some helpful videos for kids and teens, as well as links to how Yahoo! is working alongside organizations such as NCMEC, NetSmartz, WiredSafety, iKeepSafe, and the National Crime Prevention Council.

Communication is the first line of defense in combating child abuse, abductions, and overall harassment. Predators will avoid like the plague children and teens who have an open relationship with their parents in which they feel free to discuss anything, including fears and concerns. Primary targets are those children who have no guidance, no sense of discipline, no parental influence, and low self-esteem. I’ve said it many times before that parents have only two options: Be your child’s confident or someone else will – and that someone may be you and your child’s worst nightmare.

Brought to you by:

Safely Yahoo!
National Crime Prevention Council
and NCMEC: National Center for Missing and Exploited Children

Online Safety From Yahoo: A guide for parents, teens, and kids. An introduction to internet use.

Resources for Parents: Answering common safety concerns about your kids’ online activities

Get-Involved: Students helping students navigate safely

Yahoo!’s Safety FAQ page

Family Pledge For Online Safety


What I really like about these videos is that they are interesting, accurate, and most importantly, kid friendly – which means the lessons aren’t drilling safety into kids in an intimidating manner, or using over-exaggerated fear tactics to manipulate them.

Feel free to embed or direct your kids here or at the originating site:


Faux Pas (iKeepSafe) @ Yahoo! Video
UYN: The Boy Who Loved IM. (NetSmartz). @ Yahoo! Video


Report It! (Yahoo! & NetSmartz) @ Yahoo! Video
Digital Reputation (Yahoo! & NetSmartz) @ Yahoo! Video
Talent Show (National Crime Prevention Council) @ Yahoo! Video


Julie’s Journey – English. (NetSmartz) @ Yahoo! Video

July 16, 2009 Posted by | Internet Safety | Leave a comment

The Child Raping Evangelist – A Follow Up

I am thoroughly disgusted and outraged! I thought the article I posted about this a couple of days ago was bad. This will make you shake in revulsion and sympathy for these poor children.

I hope and pray with every fiber of my being every single child of every single member of this church is taken away permanently, and every single one of the sick, sorry bastards are arrested for child sex slavery – and make no mistake this is what that is!!! I have nothing more to say. I can’t find the words.

TEXARKANA, Ark. – Evangelist Tony Alamo preyed on his loyal followers’ young daughters, once taking a girl as young as 8 as his bride and repeatedly sexually assaulting her, a federal prosecutor said Tuesday.

Assistant U.S. Attorney Clay Fowlkes said that girl’s story and others unwound an “elaborate facade” Alamo wove around himself. Lawyers for the 74-year-old Alamo, who is charged with taking underage girls across state lines for sex, argued that the alleged victims traveled across the country to further the outreach and business interests of a “bona fide religious group” that the government targeted out of its own prejudices.

U.S. District Judge Harry F. Barnes swore in a jury of nine men and three women on Tuesday. They include a jobless personnel employee, a worker for a local construction company and an airport finance director who lives in Fouke, the location of Alamo’s 15-acre complex that authorities raided Sept. 20.

Fowlkes told jurors that a 15-year-old girl who left the Alamo ministries in 2006 told the FBI that Alamo married her at age 8. The girl told agents Alamo exchanged wedding vows and rings with her and first sexually assaulted her before she turned 10, Fowlkes said.

Alamo summoned another 15-year-old girl to his home in 1994 by telephone, authorities said, then telling her parents that God instructed him to marry her. Fowlkes said the parents consented and Alamo repeatedly sexually assaulted the girl, taking her on trips to West Virginia and Tennessee as he prepared for a trial on federal tax-evasion charges.

Another similar call came in 1998, when Alamo married a 14-year-old girl, Fowlkes said. In 2002, Alamo summoned three underage girls into his bedroom and shut the door, telling them God wanted him to marry two of them, Fowlkes said. Alamo later sexually assaulted two of those girls he married, one 11, the other 14, the prosecutor said.

Those girls also traveled on Alamo’s orders to other states, Fowlkes said.

One of those girl’s parents encouraged her to marry Alamo, saying his home had access to better food, television privileges, movies and a swimming pool, Fowlkes said. But the evangelist controlled every aspect of the girls’ lives from what they ate to who spoke with them, the prosecutor said.

“When the FBI began to pull on that thread, it began to unravel the elaborate facade the defendant had carefully woven around himself,” Fowlkes said.

Don Ervin, who is leading Alamo’s defense team, told jurors to focus on the facts. He said all the girls’ travel came as part of the ministry’s efforts to give people “decent lives for themselves.”

“This investigation, this prosecution was fueled by prejudice the government and law enforcement have against Tony Alamo’s church because of its practices,” Ervin said.

A federal judge revoked the tax-exempt status for Alamo’s ministries in the 1980s after investigations by the Internal Revenue Service and the U.S. Labor Department. After the hearing, Ervin said the government couldn’t decide what represented a real church.

“They’ve done a lot of good for people,” Ervin said. “The IRS doesn’t control who is a bona fide church, they just control who has to pay taxes and who doesn’t.”

Alamo, whose ministry grew into a multimillion industry on the backs of his followers, was convicted of tax evasion charges in 1994. He served four years in prison after the IRS said he owed the government $7.9 million. The evangelist has blamed the recent charges against him as the work of a Vatican-led conspiracy.

In 1991, Alamo was acquitted of threatening a federal judge — a case that fueled an extraordinary increase in security efforts for Alamo’s current trial. Uniformed U.S. Homeland Security officers walked outside around the courthouse, while U.S. marshals filled the hallways and manned two metal detectors.

Alamo, gaunt and pale, sat quietly for much of the hearing, wearing a grey suit and dark sunglasses. He could be heard correcting his lawyer’s summary of the ministry’s history during opening arguments.

Alamo faces a 10-count federal indictment. If convicted, he faces 10 years in prison and a $250,000 fine on each count. He remains held without bond until the end of his trial, scheduled to last two weeks.

10 years??!?!?! What the hell is going on in this country??? You receive more for selling crack and pimping out meth whores! Will someone please tell me WTF is going on with our judicial system?!

July 14, 2009 Posted by | Child Prostitution, Dangerous Trends, Grooming Techniques, Law, Pedophile Defenders, Pedophiles Exposed, Religion, Rescues, What Makes a child a Target | 2 Comments